Feb 22nd, 2019

Feeding the Community; Feeding Our Souls

Our team and assorted family members came out bright and early today to help cre...

By:  Jennifer F. Novak

Commerce, California

Our team and assorted family members came out bright and early today to help create boxes of meals for the food-insecure members of our community at the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank. We were divided into teams (meat/fish, dairy, vegetables, rice/pasta) and put to work along a conveyor belt with other volunteers. We unpacked pallets of our food types to create the equivalent of several days' worth of meals for individual families and seniors, to be distributed throughout the Southland. Although we felt a little like Ethel and Lucy at the chocolate factory, trying to keep up, by the end of the morning we'd helped feed thousands of people.

This was our first team volunteer experience and I'm grateful we were able to provide for those in need. Look for future efforts, and let us know if you'd like to join us someday!

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